The Window Positions category allows you to control if DrJava saves the positions of its windows.
Save Window Size and Position: Check this if you want the size and position of the main DrJava window to be saved on exit.
Save "xxx"Dialog Position: Check this if you want the size and position of the "xxx" dialog to be saved on exit (different choices for "xxx").
Reset "xxx" Dialog Position and Size: Press this button to reset the size and position of the "xxx" dialog (different choices for "xxx"). This can be useful if the dialog was displayed outside the screen for some reason and is not accessible.
Detach Tabbed Panes: By default, the tabbed panes are attached to the bottom of DrJava's main window. By selecting this option, DrJava displays the tabbed panes in their own separate window.
Detach Debugger: By default, the debugger pane is displayed in DrJava's main window. By selecting this option, DrJava displays the debugger in its own separate window.