The Interactions Pane category allows you to set options for the Interactions Pane.
Size of Interactions History: Specifies how many interactions will be stored in the history for you to scroll through using the up arrow.
Enable the "Auto Import" Dialog: When this option is enabled, DrJava will display a dialog to automatically import classes when a class name is interpreted but not known. After the class has been selected, DrJava will execute the appropriate "import" statement and re-execute the line that caused the dialog to appear.
Classes to Auto-Import: This option allows you to select classes and packages that should be imported automatically whenever the Interactions Pane is reset. List fully-qualified class names (e.g. java.util.ArrayList, or packages ending with a *, e.g. java.util.*).
Restore last working directory of the Interactions Pane on start up: If this option is enabled, DrJava will restore the directory that was last used in the Interactions Pane. If it is disabled, DrJava will always use the value of the "user.home" property.
Smart Run Command: If this option is enabled, DrJava will run applets and ACM Java Task Force Programs using the "Run" and "Run Project" buttons as well. These applets and ACM Java Task Force Programs do not need to have a main method to be run, as long as they are proper applets or ACM Java Task Force Programs.
Enforce access control: This option controls the access control DrJava performs when class members are accessed. If the option is set to 'private and package only', then access control is used for all class members that are private or package private. If it is set to 'private only', then access control is used only for private members, and the other access levels can always be accessed. If it is set to 'disabled', all class members can be accessed, regardless of their access level. (Note: Currently, access control in DrJava's Interactions Pane has not been fully implemented; at most, access is checked for private and package private members; protected members can always be accessed.)
Require semicolon: If this option is enabled, then DrJava will require a semicolon at the end of statements in the Interactions Pane.
Require variable type: If this option is enabled, then DrJava will a variable type for variable declarations in the Interactions Pane (e.g. int i = 5
). If it is disabled, DrJava will attempt to assign a variable type automatically (e.g. i = 5
to declare an int i