Most Java programs have several closely related source files, so DrJava supports having multiple documents open at the same time. A list of all of the names of the open documents appears in a pane to the left of the Definitions Pane, listing files in the order in which they were opened. You can view and edit a particular document by selecting it in the list, or by using the Previous and Next Document commands in the Edit Menu. These commands will switch to the next for previous document in alphabetical order. (These commands have keyboard shortcuts as well: Ctrl+Comma and Ctrl+Period.) You can also press Ctrl+Back Quote to switch between recently active documents. This short cut is similar to Window's shortcut for switching windows. Hold down Control and press Back Quote to activate it. A small window will show the filename of the document about to be switched to. Press Back Quote to cycle filenames and release Control to switch docments.
The full file path of the current document is displayed both in the title bar and in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Context Menu. The Document List also has a context menu, which can be used by right-clicking on any document in the list. (Mac users should use Ctrl+Click or Option+Click.) This menu provides shortcuts to document-related commands, such as saving, reverting, printing, compiling, testing, running Javadoc, and calling the main method.