This dialog can be found in the Tools, Advanced menu. This dialog lets you generate a custom drjava.jar file based on the currently running version of DrJava, and you can include additional jar files, zip files or directories. These additional files are added to the drjava.jar and are immediately available in the generated DrJava application without having to set up extra classpaths.
If a file is contained in more than one source, the file contained in the first source will be included; conflicting files from sources further down the list will be skipped. Files belonging to DrJava always take precedence.
Note: This implies that DrJava's manifest file will be used.
Please note that the added files may produce a copy of DrJava does not work as intended, and that it will be more difficult for us to help you with these problems. YOU ARE USING THE CUSTOM DRJAVA.JAR FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
The dialog contains the following components:
Output Jar File. The file that the custom drjava.jar should be written to.
Additional Sources. The list of additional jar or zip files or directories that should be added to the custom drjava.jar file. If a file is contained in more than one source, the file contained in the first source will be included; conflicting files from sources further down the list will be skipped. Files belonging to DrJava always take precedence.The file that the custom drjava.jar should be written to.
Check Conflicts. Pressing this button causes DrJava to scan itself and the additional sources to identify conflicts. If any conflicts are found, they are listed in a dialog.
Generate. Pressing this button lets DrJava generate the specified output file. It first checks for conflicts, though, and if conflicts are found they are displayed; the user then has the option of aborting the generation or generating anyway.
Close. This closes the dialog.